Just in Time: The ABC Award

I’ve been working on my portfolio website for a while, and I had finally made great progress yesterday. I was so excited and energetic, and couldn’t wait to finish it until this morning. To make a long story short, due to moving 3 times, giving all my attention to my family, and a computer admin not performing a complete backup to my directory, I lost most of my files that include some of the best projects I’ve worked on! Of course, I will take partial blame for not doubting or checking the work of a computer admin. Luckily, I have all the hard copies. So now I have to decide how many will I re do, and how many will I scan and move on. Both will require much precious time that I don’t really have!

Needless to say I was very stressed out and upset, until a dear fellow blogger nominated me for the ABC Award. Thank you SO much Rana, I’m very honored, you’re the sweetest!

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you: Thank you again sweetest Rana Armoush, Anyone reading this should check out her beautiful poetry that comes straight from the heart 🙂

2. There are no limits for how many fellow bloggers you can nominate.

So, here are my nominees in a random order:

TheLittleDesignStall by Maggie, always sharing the greatest ideas and pictures in architecture and interior design. Love those crazy stairs!

ASPIRE.MOTIVATE.SUCCEED sharing the most amazing inspiring stories from all over the world, just what you need to hear to conquer the world.

Photo Nature Blog by Jeffrey Foltice, an extremely talented photographer, I promise that you have never seen outstanding photos of nature until you have seen his work.

Bucket List Publications by Lesley Carter, a soon to be mom who has almost done it all! male sure to check all her exciting traveling adventures.

fotonotes by Douglas Barkey, a different kind of photographer with very unique type of work.

3. Share some things about you but alphabetically just a word or two about you starting with each alphabet. (Or alternatively, just write the first word you think of)

A: Adam

B: Beautiful

C: Crazy

D: Danyal

E: Excited

F: Fun

G: Grow

H: Home

I: iPhone

J: Jump

K: Kangaroo

L: Love

M: Mother

N: No

O: Office

P: Purple

Q: Quick

R: Road

S: Sister

T: Tickle

U: Universal

V: Valuable

W: Water

X: X-ray? I don’t think there are any words that start with x!

Y: You

Z: Zach

 Now just keep spreading the love, and never give up on your dreams!

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